As President/CEO you are charged with running your company and directing and motivating your employees. You don't have the time to welcome or address each employee individually. What you can do however is to produce a short video that can be distributed to a target group of employees. For new employees, each will gain the benefit of hearing your welcoming comments, your goals and aspirations for the company and your expectations of them. This is the perfect answer to getting new employees started in the right frame of mind. Click here for More info.


One of our most original and popular productions is the plant tour video that highlights the quality systems. This can be a real time saver and especially helpful for demo's after hours or to view a difficult to see, or proprietary processes. A video/DVD can mix visual evidence with strong supporting information and by design always leaves a positive impression. We can highlight the quality functions in place that insure the quality of your product. This video can be compressed and streamed from your web site. Visitors might take a copy back with them to show others in their company. You can send copies to your best customers to help cement good relations. You will be working with a videographer with over 20 years of industrial and quality systems experience so we will already know what features to highlight to make the best presentation possible.

A sample DVD menu of a corporate production:

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